Potato Potato Potato
by Melissa Bastow
Genre: Children's Picture Book
silly potatoes doing super silly things.
potatoes, mashed potatoes, fried potatoes, and potatoes who take
their potato girlfriends to prom - this book has it all! The cute and
simple illustrations and lighthearted text will make this book a
favorite for parents and kids!
Melissa is a mom to 5 kids, 1 husband, and 42 piles of laundry. She hates making dinner. She loves that she gets to sit in her comfy pants and doodle for a living. Sometimes Melissa wakes up in the middle of the night with silly story ideas in her brain, because the middle of the night is no time for rational thoughts. She hopes to have more kids stories coming soon, and if you want to check out the rest of her doodlings you can visit her website at www.dorkydoodles.com
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This sounds like a wonderful book to gift to my grandchildren, thank you for sharing the author's bio and book details